Thursday, March 26, 2009

Havas Agencies

Arnold Worldwide (Boston) - Radio Shack 

This commercial is part of a campaign that featured all sorts of people asking their loved ones for things from Radio Shack. A lot of them are pretty funny, and I think it works well to get Radio Shack out there. It is not necessarily a huge brand, but this advertising is taking it in that direction. 

Euro RSCG (India) - Cobra 

This storyline is similar to the DDB Volkswagen ad that we watched in class. I think that this one mixes the story into the ad very well, which makes it successful. 

McKinney (Durham) - Travelocity

Everyone knows the Travelocity gnome these days. It is such an odd thing that I don't understand how an agency went ahead and decided that it was a great idea. Clearly, it worked out well for them, but it was still a bold move. I was happy to find that one of these smaller agencies held such a big and well-known account. 

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